1. Land Evaluation and Land Use Planning
The programme involves soil resources inventorization, mapping and evaluation for land uses development.
To take inventory of Ghana’s soil resources and evaluate them for agricultural development and other uses.
R&D Focus:
1. Soil Survey and Classification.
2. Soil Mapping and GIS Analyses.
3. Land Evaluation and Suitability Assessment.
Achievements of the Programme
Soil resources of Ghana mapped out, described and evaluated.
Soil suitability assessment & management recommendations for the production of food, cash and non-traditional export crops. e.g. pineapple, cashew, banana, cassava, oil palm, maize & rice.
Identified benchmark soils in all agro – ecologies for easy technology adoption.
Soil and Soil Suitability maps have been produced at various scales for planning purposes in analogue and digital format.
Some Beneficiaries
1. MoFA Lowland Rice Dev. Programme,
2. District Assemblies -Assin, Jasikan, Builsa, Atwima, etc.
3. Newmont Gold Gh. Ltd.,
4. Gwira Banso area in the Nzema East District for Care International.
2. Soil Fertility Management
This programme generates innovations for integrated soil fertility management towards increased crop production, food security, improved incomes and enhanced livelihood for farmers.
To generate information and technologies for efficient soil fertility management towards increased crops production, food security, improved incomes for farmers and enhanced livelihood.
Finding solutions for “Problem” soils usage e.g. acid soils, salt affected soils and ironpan soils.
Research Focus:
1. Fertilizer recommendation development and update.
2. Integrated soil fertility management.
3. Conservation Agriculture.
4. Organic Agriculture.
5. Precision Agriculture.
6. Sawah Rice.
7. General Crop Husbandry – Agronomy.
8. Soil Fertility Regeneration.
9. Biochar Use in Agriculture.
10. Agroforestry.
11. Rhizobium and Mycorhyzal BNF studies.
Achievements of the Programme
Developed fertilizer recommendations for crops.
Developed the new maize fertilizer (16-16-19 +MgO +S(SO3)+B) in collaboration with CRI and Chemico Ltd which can increase maize yield to about 10 tons/ha.
Integrated nutrient management protocols developed with farmers in the Semi-deciduous Forest and Sudan Savanna agro- ecological zones for cassava, potato and maize.
Management protocols developed for “Problem” soils.
Effective soil, water and nutrient management (SAWAH Technology) for lowland rice production introduced in communities as Biemso No. 1 & No. 2; Adugyama and surrounding areas; Mankran Valley; Anum River Valley.Rice yields increased from 1 to 5 tonnes/ha
Biochar use; resources characterization and charring protocols developed for agriculture.

Developing inland valleys for the rice industry.
3. Environmental Management and Climate Change.
The programme develops and implements climate smart strategies to address soil productivity and food security issues. It also manages soil degradation, rehabilitation and pollution challenges.
Develop capacity to engage into emerging research areas related to sustainable soil management and climate change as a major factor affecting soil productivity and food security.
Regeneration of natural resources, degradation, pollution, effect of mining and industrial activities on soil health.
Research Focus:
1. Climate change mitigation and adaptation studies.
2. Soil carbon sequestration.
3. Soil water relationship. management.
4. Land Reclamation.
5. Soil pollution prevention and management .
6. Erosion control on croplands and in human settlement.
Achievements of the Programme
Soil and water conservation technologies e.g. sediment control structures and filters generated with community participation.
An added benefit derived is improved water quality in the affected communities. E.g. Nyamebekyere community in the Sefwi – Wiawso District.
Supported Resolute Amansie Gold Ltd in revegetation of degraded mine sites
Monitoring of soil regeneration under replanted forest of BLG and Goldfields GH LTD.
Settlement erosion control technologies e.g. seepage pits, diversion channels.
Communities in Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Western Regions have benefited from these technologies.
Assessment of heavy metal and cyanide pollution around mining communities (Bogoso/Prestea, AngloGold Ash., Resolute Amansie.
The threat of ironpan (petroplinthite) development in soils identified, publicized and management recommendations made for sustainable soil management.
Assessment of impact o f climate change on food production/security and livelihood.
Biochar studies in soil carbon sequestration and soil productivity improvement.
Suitability assessment carried out on forest soils for rehabilitation of degraded forest reserves. The reserves covered were:
Asubima Forest Reserve.
Mankrang Forest Reserve.
Afrensu – Brohuma Forest Reserve.
Work done for FORM Ecology Consultants.

4. Laboratory Analytical Service

5. Research Commercialization
This programme manages and promotes the developed innovations for their adoption for food security, environmental sanity, further knowledge development and internal generation of funds to support research and development.
R&D Focus:
1. Scientific Information and Database Management.
2. Library and Publication Services.
3. Conferences, seminars and workshops.
4. Technology Transfer
a. Training and Capacity building.
b. Exhibitions and Fairs
c. Excursions and open days.
d. Field demonstration
5. Marketing and Research Commercialization.
Major Commercial Activities
Laboratory analysis and diagnostic services.
Soil surveys and land evaluation.
Sale of maps, memoirs, books etc.
Consultancy services.
Sale of farm produce.
Hiring of conference halls.
Hiring of vehicles.
Research projects.