Kwabena Abrefa NKetia Profile

Surname: Nketia
Other Names: Kwabena Abrefa
Degree: M.Phil. Soil Science (Pedology)
University: University of Ghana, Legon
Year of Degree: 2014

  1. Pedology,
  2. Pedometrics (Digital soil mapping),
  3. GIS-spatial analysis
  4. Geo-databasing,
  5. Remote sensing-image analysis & interpretation
  6. Soil & Drone (UAV) sensing,
  7. MIR & X-ray Spectral data prediction & interpretation

Journal articles

  1. Asabere, S. B., Zeppenfeld, T., Nketia, K. A., & Sauer, D. (2018). Urbanization leads to increases in pH, Carbonate and Soil Organic Matter Stocks of Arable Soils of Kumasi, Ghana (West Africa). Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6, pp 119.
  2. Nketia, K. A., Adjadeh, T. A. and Adiku, S. G. K. (2018). Evaluation of Suitability of Some Soils in the Forest-Savanna Transition and the Guinea Savanna Zones of Ghana for Maize Production. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 26 (1), pp 61 – 73.


  1. Hengl, T., Leenaars, J.G.B., Shepherd, K.D. et al., Nketia, K. A. (2017). Soil nutrient maps of Sub-Saharan Africa: assessment of soil nutrient content at 250 m spatial resolution using machine learning. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst Volume 109, Issue 1, pp 77–102.


  1. Sadick, A., Asaana, J., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Gyambibi, D. A. (2016). Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Crop Water Requirements of Some Selected Crops at Tono Irrigation Scheme in The Upper East Region of Ghana. Annals. Food Science and Technology. Volume 17, Issue 2, pp 280 – 288.
  2. Quansah, G. W., Sadick, A. Fening, J. O., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E. (2016). Effects of Illegal Mining Activities on Water Resources for Irrigation Purposes, Amansie West District, Ghana. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET), Print ISSN: 2395-1990, Online ISSN: 2394-4099; Volume 2 Issue 4, pp 664 – 668.
  3. Quansah, G. W., Fening, J. O., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Gaisie, E. (2016). Correlation Analysis of Irrigation Water Quality parameter from the major rivers in the Amansie West District, Ashanti Region, Ghana. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (IJSRST), Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Volume 2 Issue 4, pp.255-258. URL:
  4. Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Sadick, A., Asenso-Gyambibi, D., Forkuo, E. K. (2016). Assessment of water quality of Lake Bosomtwe for recreational purposes. International Research Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences. Vol. 1 (5) pp: (108-114).


  1. Sadick, A., Gaisie, E., Adjei, E. O., Agyeman, K., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E. (2015). Assessment of the Relationship between Actual Evapotranspiration, Reference Evapotranspiration and Precipitation (A case study of Tono Irrigation Scheme). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology. Vol. 1 (5): 307-317.
  2. Sadick, A., Amfo-Out, R., Acquah, S. J., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Adjei, E. O. (2015).  Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils around Auto Mechanic Workshop Clusters in Central Agricultural Station, Kumasi-Ghana. Applied Research Journal. Vol. 1 (2): 13-20.
  3. Asamoah, E., Nketia, K. A., Sadick, A., Gyambibi, D. A., Forkuo, E. K., Ayer, J., Adjei, E. O. (2015). Water Quality Assessment of Lake Bosomtwe for Irrigation Purpose, Ghana. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, Vol 8 (3), 366-372.


  1. Sadick, A. Ansah, I. O., Badu, A. O., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Asaana, J., Amfo-Out, R. (2014). Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration at Botanga Irrigation Scheme in the Northern Region of Ghana. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Vol 4 (70), 5–13.
  2. Nketia, K. A., Yeboah, E., Asamoah, E., Forkuo, K. E., Senayah, J. (2014). Land Suitability Assessment and Landuse Planning: A Prerequisite for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A, Vol. 4(8), 650-656.
  3. S. Adams, G. W. Quansah, R. N. Issaka, E. A. Asamoah, K. A. Nketia, R. Amfo-otu. (2014). Water requirements of some selected crops in Tono irrigation area. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 4(3), 246-257.


  1. Nketia, K. A., Forkuo, E. K., Asamoah E., Senayah, J. K. (2013). Using a GIS-Based Model as a Decision Support Framework for Identifying Suitable Rain Water Harvesting Sites. International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research, Volume 3 (4), 25-33.


  1. Forkuo, E. K, Nketia, K. A., (2011). Digital Soil Mapping in GIS Environment for Crop-Land Suitability Analysis. International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, Volume 2 (1), 133-146.

Developed Datasets/Databases

  1. Nketia K.A., Asamoah E., Owusu Ansah A., Leenaars J.G.B., (2016). Updated 0-50cm soil dataset for Brong Ahafo, Central region and some selected districts of Ghana under WAAPP II project. CSIR-Soil Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana.
  2. Nketia K.A., Leenaars J.G.B., Asamoah E., Owusu Ansah A., Awoonor J., Boafo A., Appiah A., (2016). Ghana Soil Profile database, version 1.0. CSIR-Soil Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana.

Research Briefs

  1. Nketia K. A., Quansah, G.W., Asamoah, E., Adjei, E.O. and Fening, J.O. (2017).  Indiscriminate Surface Mining Activities on Crop Productivity in the Ashanti Region. CSIR-Soil Research Institute; Research Brief 2017 Edition: Issue No.001.

Conference Papers

  1. Asabere, S. B., Zeppenfeld, T., Nketia, K. A., Haering, V., & Sauer, D. (2018). Influence of urbanisation on cation exchange capacity and nutrient availability in arable soils of Kumasi (Ghana). European Geosciences Union General Assembly conference, Vienna, Austria.


  1. Leenaars J.G.B., Nketia K.A., Silatsa F.B.T., Fening J.O., Yemefack M., Hengl T., Heuvelink G.B.M. (2017). World soil information developing from global, continental and national initiatives. GlobalSoilMap 2017 conference, At Moscow, Russia


  1. Nketia, K. A.; Leenaars, J.G.B.; Hengl, T.; Asamoah, E.; Ruiperez Gonzalez, M.; Owusu Ansah, A. (2016). Ghana SoilGrids; Compilation of Legacy Soil Data and the Production of Gridded Functional Soil Class and Property Maps. 2nd Global soil security conference, Paris.

Technical & Consultancy Reports

  1. Nketia, K.A., Sadick, A., Asamoah, E., Darko, P. O. (2018). Report on soil and tissue / plant analysis for Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem Limited (AAIL) Gold Mine, Ghana. Technical Report no. CSIR- SRI/CR/KAN/2018/002
  2. Nketia, K.A., Boafo, A. Owusu Ansah, A., Asamoah, E., Awoonor, J., Appiah, A., Sadick, A., Asante, P.C., Owusu, S., Tetteh, F. M., Zutah, V. K. (2018). A survey of BOPP LTD soil resources & fertility assessment for oil palm production: Adum smallholder oil palm project. Technical Report no. CSIR- SRI/CR/KAN/2018/001
  3. Owusu, S., Koranteng, P.A., Appiah, A., Nketia, K. A., Boafo, A., Owusu Ansah, A. (2018). Construction of Soil Monolith for Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) Technical Report no. CSIR-SRI/CR/SO/2018/001
  4. Detailed soil survey of a farmland owned by HODA properties limited at Kwaekese near Mame Krobo for commercial agricultural production. CSIR-SRI/CR/YE/2018/001


  1. Tetteh, F.M., Nketia, K.A., E. Asamoah, J. Awoonor, S. Owusu, A. Appiah. Owusu Ansah, A., Asante, P.C., Badu, J. (2017). Report on the soil resources and fertility status of Benso Oil Palm Plantations. Western Region. Ghana. Technical Report no. CSIR- SRI/CR/FMT/2017/001
  2. Tetteh, F.M., Nketia, K.A., E. Asamoah, J. Awoonor, S. Owusu, A. Appiah. Owusu Ansah, A., Asante, P.C., Badu, J. (2017). Fertility evaluation of soils samples from old tailings damp of Golden Star Oil Palm Plantations. Western Region. Ghana. Technical Report no. CSIR- SRI/CR/FMT/2017/002
  3. Tetteh, F.M., Nketia, K.A., E. Asamoah, J. Awoonor, S. Owusu, A. Appiah. Owusu Ansah, A., Asante, P.C., Badu, J. (2017). Fertility evaluation of soils samples from old tailings damp of Wassa Mines. Western Region. Ghana. Technical Report no. CSIR- SRI/CR/FMT/2017/003


  1. Nketia, K. A., Boafo, A., Asamoah, E. (2016). Soil Investigation on A Parcel of Land at Atonsu Near Nsuta in the Ashanti Region. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/KAN/01/2017.
  2. Nketia, K. A., Boafo, A., Asamoah, E., Ansah, A. O., Asante, P. C. (2016). Report on the Soil Resources of the Asantem Farms Limited, Asantem-Breman Asikuma, Central Region. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/KAN/03/2016.
  3. Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Asante, P. C, Darko, P. O. (2016). Soil Analysis for Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem Limited (AAIL) Gold Mine, Ghana. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/KAN/02/2016.
  4. Nketia, K. A., Boafo, A, Asamoah, E., Appiah, A., Owusu-Ansah, (2016). Soil Assessment for Housing Project at St. Louis Senior High School. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/KAN/01/2016.


  1. Tetteh, F. M., Nketia, K. A., Boafo, A, Appiah, A., Asamoah, E. (2015). Report On the Soil Resources, its Fertility and Suitability for Agriculture Productivity of the Nsawam Cannery Products Limited Plantation Site. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/FMT/01/2015.


  1. Tetteh, F. M., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E. (2014). Report On the Soil Resources of Edwinase and Its Suitability for Agriculture Productivity. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/FMT/05/2014.
  2. Yeboah, E., Nketia, K. A., Ato-Sam, I. Darko, P. O. (2014). Plant and Soil Analysis for Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem Limited (Aail) Gold Mine, Ghana. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/EY/07/2014.
  3. Tetteh, F. M., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Boafo, A., Appiah, A., Badu, J., Ansah, A. O., Amponsem, E. (2014). Report On the Soil Resources and Its Fertility Status of Buabin Oil Palm Outgrowers Schemes, Central & Western Region, Ghana. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/FMT/04/2014
  4. Nketia, K. A., Appiah, A., Asamoah, E., Boafo, A. (2014). Report On the Soil Resources And Its Fertility For Mango Production In The Anyinofi Community In The Sekyere Central District, Ashanti Region. Consultancy Report Number: CSIR-SRI/CR/KAN/02/SEP/2014.
  5. Nketia, K. A., Appiah, A., Asamoah, E., Boafo, A. (2014). Report On the Soil Resources and Its Fertility for Mango Production in the Abama Community in the Atebubu Amantin District, Brong Ahafo. Consultancy Report Number: CSIR-SRI/CR/KAN/01/SEP/2014.
  6. Tetteh, F. M., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah, E., Boafo, A., Appiah, A., Badu, J., Ansah, A. O., Senayah, J. K. (2014). Report On the Soil Resources and Its Fertility Status of the Twifo Oil Palm Plantation. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/FMT/01/2014


  1. Tetteh, F. M., Nketia, K. A., Ofosu-Frempong, S. (2013). Soil Fertility Status and Heavy Metal Contamination Assessment of Selected Farms within the Anikoko Settlement Area of Golden Star Pretea/Bogoso Mines Ltd Concession, Bogoso, Western Region. Consultancy report number: CSIR-SRI/CR/FMT/06/2013
  1. Awoonor, J. K., Nketia, K. A., (2013). Detailed soil survey of a proposed site for the construction of a residential facility on plot no. 4 block “M” of Old Ahinsan-Kumasi. Technical Report No.: CSIR-SRI/CR/JKN/2013/1
  1. Seneyah, J. K., Nketia K. A., Awoonor, J., Badu, J., (2013). Report on the Soil Resources of Afigya-Kwabre District, Ashanti Region. CSIR/ WAAPP NO. 017. CSIR- Soil Research Institute, Kumasi.
  2. Seneyah, J. K., Nketia K. A., Awoonor, J., Abugyansah, S., Badu, J., (2013). Report on the Soil Resources of Gomoa East District, Central Region. CSIR/ WAAPP NO. 017. CSIR- Soil Research Institute, Kumasi.
  3. Nketia K. A., Boafo, A., Appiah, A., Badu, J., Asamoah, E., (2013). Soil Characterization of the soil Resources of Saviour Church of Ghana Odumasua Farm Project, Afram Plains.
  4. Seneyah, J. K., Nketia K. A., Awoonor, J., Badu, J., (2013). Report on the Soil Resources of Wenchi Municipality, Brong Ahafo Region. CSIR/ WAAPP NO. 017. CSIR- Soil Research Institute, Kumasi
  5. Seneyah, J. K., Nketia K. A., Awoonor, J., Badu, J., Boafo, A., Appiah, A., (2013). Report on the Soil Resources of Tain District, Brong Ahafo Region. CSIR/ WAAPP NO. 017. CSIR- Soil Research Institute, Kumasi
  6. Seneyah, J. K., Nketia K. A., Awoonor, J., Asamoah, E., Badu, J., (2013). Developing a Geodatabase as a tool for analyzing Geo-Spatial Information by CSIR-Soil Research Institute. CSIR/ WAAPP NO. 016. CSIR- Soil Research Institute, Kumasi


  1. Seneyah, J. K., Nketia K. A., (2012). Soil characterization for Sustainable Intensification of Key Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa-IITA.
  2. Nketia K. A., Senayah, J. k., (2012). Soil Survey for the Investigation of the Suitability of a Farmland at Abotereye, Wenchi District for Mango Production. For Ahwene Bodon Foods.
  3. Nketia K. A., Senayah, J. K, Badu, J. Boafo, A., (2012). Demarcation and Perimeter Survey of lands for commercial sugar cane production around Salaga in the East Gonja District, Northern Region.
  1. Senayah, J. K., Issaka, R. N., Nketia, K. A., Asamoah E. and Badu J. (2012). Report on soil physical and chemical properties for crop production in the three Northern Regions of Ghana CSIR-SRI/RE/JKS/2012/01. CSIR-Soil Research Institute, Kwadaso, Kumasi. Report submitted to Africa RISING, Ghana / IITA.
  2. Amoakwah, E., Nketia, K.A, Senayah, J.K. (2012). Detailed soil survey of a proposed site for the construction of our Lady of Grace Senior High School, Mamponteng-Kumasi, Ghana. Technical Report No. CSIR-SRI/RE/EA/2012/01.
  1. Senayah, J. K, Nketia K. A., Amoakwah, E., Awoonor, J., (2012). Detailed Soil Studies of the farmland of Mr. K. K. B. Fosu at Nkenkansu, Offinso-North District, Ashanti Region.


  1. Nketia K. A., Senayah, J. K, Boah, K., (2010). Soil Survey conducted for tomato production at Awisa, Wenchi District. Brong Ahafo Region. For Wenchi Food Processing Company.
  2. J. K., Dwomo, O., Nketia, K. A., Awoonor, J. (2010). Report on the soil survey of       proposed farmland of Diaby Company Limited at Didaso on Kwaman Stool Land, Ashanti Region.


  1. Senayah, J. K, Dwomo, O., Nketia K. A., (2008). Reconnaissance soil investigations in selected compartments of the Asubima Forest Reserve for teak plantation development.
  2. Nketia K. A., Senayah, J. K, Awoonor, J. Sawah, Badu J., (2008). Rice Fields demarcation and Site Selection for the production of Rice.

Chapters in Referred Books

  1. Tetteh, F.M.; Larbi, A.; Nketia, K.A.; Senaya, J.N.; Hoeschle-Zeledon, I.; Abdul Rahman, N. (2016). Suitability of soils for cereal cropping in Northern Ghana. In Evaluation and Recommendations; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA): Ibadan, Nigeria. p. 19, ISBN 978-978-8444-72-5.


  1. Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) on Soil Sampling for Buruli Ulcer Preventive Research, (2012); A Practical Manual for Safe Collection and Transportation of soil samples containing Mycobacterium Ulcerans (MU). – WHO, IITA, CSIR – (Nketia, K. A., Amoakwah E.), ONG (Water for All Children-Africa). Cotonou, Benin.
  2. Sarfo-Kantanka, A., Fening, J. O., Nketia, K. A., (2012). Farming as a Business. Volume 1 (1).
  3. Sarfo-Kantanka, A., Fening, J. O., Nketia, K. A., (2012). Linking Smallholder Farmers to Markets. Volume 1 (1).