Gabriel Willie Quansah, Research Scientist

Division: Soil Analytical Services

Academic Qualification: MSc Soil Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), 2010

Area of specialization: Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry


  1. Gaisie, E., Adjei-Gyapong, T., Adams S., Quansah, G. W., Ababio O. F. (2018). Comparative Study of some Physico-Chemical properties and Carbon Storage of Soils under five Different Multipurpose trees and Shrubs in the Semi Deciduous Zone of Ghana. Global Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 6, No. 4, pp 1 – 11.
  1. Quansah, G. W., Akrofi S., Boamah E. D., Adams S. (2018). Investigation of Physico-Chemical Properties of soils from Cassava Fields Infested with Root Rot Disease in the Selected Districts, Brong Ahafo, Ghana. International Technology and Science. Vol. 2 page 11 – 19.
  1. Senkoro, C. J., Tetteh F. M., Kibunja. C. N., Ndungu-Magiroi, K. W., Quansah, G. W., Marandu, A. E., Ley G. J., Mwangi, T. J., and Wortmann, C. S. (2018). Cassava Yield and Economic Response to Fertilizer in Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana. Agronomy Journal. Volume 110. Issue 3 page 1 – 7.
  1. Adams, S., Quansah, G. W, Gaisie, E., Calys-Tagoe, E. (2018). Effect of Sand Winning on Agriculture and Its Socioeconomic Impact on the Community: A Case Study of Atwima Twedie, Ashanti Region, Ghana. International Technology and Science. Vol. 1 Issue 1 page 32 – 41.
  1. Tetteh F. M., Quansah G. W., Frempong S. O., Abdul R. N., Atakora W. K., Opoku G. (2017). Optimizing Fertilizer Use within the Contextof Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Ghana. In: Charles S. Wortmann and Keith Sones (eds). Fertilizer Use Optimization in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published by CABI.
  1. Adams, S., Quansah, G. W., Adjei E. O., Asamoah G. (2016) Spatio-Temporal Variation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils in the Vicinity of Auto Mechanic Workshop Clusters at Central Agricultural Station. Kwadaso – Ghana. IJSRCH 1 (1); 62 – 68.
  1. Quansah, G. W., Adams S., Fening J., Nketia K., Asamoah E. (2016) Effects of Illegal Mining Activities on Water Resources for Irrigation Purposes, Amansie West District, Ghana. IJSRSET 4 (2); 664 – 668.
  1. Quansah, G. W., Fening J., Nketia K., Asamoah E., Gaisie E. (2016) Correlation Analysis of Irrigation Water Quality from the Major Rivers in the Amansie West District, Ashanti Region, Ghana. IJSRST 4 (2); 255 – 258.
  1. Akrofi S., Moses E., Bolfrey-Arku G., Quansah, G. W., Larbi-Koranteng S. (2016) Prevalence of Cassava Root Rot Disease in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Horticulture. 12 (1); 1 – 13.
  1. Gaisie, E., Adams, S., Quansah, G. W., and Calys-Tagoe Edward (2016). Estimation of Water Requirements for Producing Irrigated Rice in River Valley Bottom at central Agricultural Station, Kumasi Ghana. International Research Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences. 3(1): 53-63
  1. Gaisie E., Adams S., Quansah, G. W., Ofori P. (2016) Contribution of Agroforestry Trees for Integrated Nutrient Management to Improve Maize Yield on Smallholder fields. IJSRST (2) 3: 69 – 73.
  1. Gaisie E., Adams S., Agyeman K., Adjei- Gyapong T., Quansah, G. W. (2016) Leaf Decomposition And the Nutrient Release from multipurpose Trees for Crop Production. IJSRSET 1 (2); 345 – 352.
  1. Abdul R. N., Tetteh F. M., Fosu M., Quansah, G. W., Osuman A. S. (2015) Improving Maize Yield on Ferric Lixisol by NPK Fertilizer Use. Journal of Agricultural Science. 7 (12); 233 – 237
  1. Adams S., Quansah, G. W., Issaka R. N., Asamoah E. A., Nketia K. A., Amfo-Otu R. (2014) Water requirements of some selected crops in Tono irrigation area. J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 4 (3); 246 – 257.
  1. Adams S., Issaka R. N., Quansah, G. W., Amfo Otu R., Bagna S. (2014) Assessment of irrigation water quality of Tono Dam in Navrongo, Ghana. J. Bio. & Env. Sci.. 4; 187 – 195.


  1. Hämäläinen J., Foli E. G., Isotupa O., Sah B. P., Nakayama M., Jha R., Adu-Bredu S., Affum-Baffoe K., Hartikainen J., Quansah G. W. & Tetteh F. M. (2013) Forest Inventory Manual for Biomass and Carbon Stock Assessment in Ghana. Prepared for the Forestry Commission under the Mapping Consultant’s Services Project (Forest Preservation Programme for the Republic of Ghana). Pp. 94.
  2. Fonte S. J., Yeboah E., Ofori P., Quansah, G. W., Valauwe B. Six J. (2009) Fertilizer and residue quality effects on organic matter stabilization in soil aggregates. SSSAJ. 73 (3); 961 – 966.
  1. Yeboah E., Ofori P., Quansah, G. W., Dugan E. & Sohi S.P. (2009) Improving soil productivity through biochar amendments to soils. AJEST 3 (2); 034 – 041.
  1. Baafi E., Quansah, G. W., Banful B., Mac-Amoo E. E. E. (2009) Effect of different combinations of nitrogen and potassium on fruit yield and quality of the MD2 variety of Pineapple in the forest ecozone of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Horticulture 7; ISSN 0855 – 6350.
  1. Fening J. O, Adjei-Gyapong T; Yeboah E., Ampontuah E. O., Quansah, G. W., and Danso S. K. A (2005) Soil Fertility Status and Potential Organic Inputs for Improving Small Holder Crop Production in the Interior Savanna Zone of Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 25 (4); 69 – 92.
  1. Buah-Bassuah P. K., Euzzor S., Francini F., Quansah G. W. & Sansoni P. (1998) Photo-sedimentation (Laser) techniques in classifying soil texture. Applied Optics 37: 586–593.